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Accurate fuel predictions for sustainable and profitable voyages

Charter Consumption API

Empowers charterers to make chartering decisions based on accurate, transparent data and decrease the risk of speed claims, improving profit and reducing impact on the planet

Missed opportunities and inefficiencies

The ability to forecast accurate fuel consumption of an upcoming voyage is important for charterers to estimate profitability of a new charter under consideration. Today, decisions rely on static fuel models in limited conditions and speeds, and manual work is required to compile a truly accurate consumption estimate - particularly on unknown time charter vessels.

Charterers today face the daunting task of sifting through countless offers and emails, often leading to missed opportunities and inefficiencies.  


What we offer

ZeroNorth’s Fuel Model uses machine learning to predict expected fuel consumption for any vessel, no matter its itinerary, route, or condition. The model takes in more than 1.2 billion data points, spanning vessel reports, high frequency sensor data, weather data, AIS signals, port stays, dry-dock and cleaning events, and more to forecast the expected operational fuel consumption of a vessel.

The Charter Consumption API calculates the consumption based on the distance from delivery to redelivery provided by the charterers in IMOS, and returns the predicted fuel consumption at the speed defined by the user.  


Key features

Exclusive Availability in Veson IMOS

The Charter Consumption API is now available exclusively in Veson IMOS platform and integrates seamlessly with existing workflows within the Chartering Module.

How it works

The Charter Consumption API enables customers to input simple voyage parameters such as origin port, destination port, IMO number and start getting more accurate fuel consumption estimates based on ZeroNorth’s industry leading AI-enabled fuel model. This enables charterers to more quickly and accurately evaluate the costs associated with any voyage.

The ZeroNorth Consumption API is now available exclusively in Veson IMOS platform Chartering Module. Talk to our experts for more information on how to enable the service inside of your IMOS environment.

Talk to our Experts

Key benefits

Seamless Integration with Veson IMOS Platform

The ZeroNorth Consumption API integrates effortlessly with the Veson IMOS Platform's Chartering Module. This ensures that charterers can easily incorporate ZeroNorth's advanced fuel models into their existing workflows, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of their chartering decisions.

Talk to our experts

For product demos, conducting trials, or pricing information, please contact:

Profitable voyages, sustainable horizons

Experience first-hand how ZeroNorth's advanced technology can revolutionise your maritime operations. Dive deep into data-driven insights and optimise voyages to unify sustainability and profitability.

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