Making data actionable
Digitalisation is part of the solution to the challenges of profitability and emission reduction
When it comes to enhancing your vessel or fleet’s performance, increasing earnings and reducing CO2 emissions, we understand the vast and untapped potential of utilising data insights. But simply collecting data isn’t enough to secure positive and impactful change: your data needs to be turned into real actions.
One of the biggest challenges in the industry, is that data is siloed and not in a standardised structured format. ZeroNorth helps customers on the journey to make their data actionable, by advising collection of the right data and connecting with data from all sources in any format. Optimise takes the unstructured data and brings it together into one easy-to-use platform for operators.
Interpreting key information not only provides ship operators with tailored recommendations based on their individual vessel or fleet needs, but gives them all the information they need to make calculated decisions.
Deep Dive Data
From optimum performance and increased earnings, to reduced fuel and emissions impacts — turning your data into actions is compelling and necessary. Optimise allows you to drill down to the key figures for individual voyage legs that have been completed, making it easier for organisations to see where they can improve their performance rates, increase their TCE and reduce CO2 emissions.

Connect with our team and explore your options