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Get real-time visibility of your entire fleet so you can take faster, more informed decisions that boost performance, sustainability, and profits.

Connect, control, optimise

SMARTShip™ is a digital platform that can connect your entire fleet. It collects live data and provides real-time analytics that increase operational efficiency. The goal is to provide insights that unlock your organisation’s business potential. Easy-to-use, it enables faster decision-making in day-to-day operations that optimise your efficiency.


Be smarter with your data

SMARTShip™ is based on state-of-the-art technology that can process over 5000 data points from various systems on board. The data collected, combined with weather overlay and statutory and regulatory information enables users to harvest unique insights that boost performance. 

Intuitive applications mean you can monitor and diagnose operational issues in real time. Get an overview of your critical assets via the dashboard and enjoy real-time location monitoring that keeps you connected with your ships anytime, anywhere.

Capt. Rajeeva Mathur
COO Southern Pacific Holding Corporation C/O , Kumiai Senpaku Co.,Ltd

SMARTShip system has introduced a whole new vision in the approach to Ship Operations for us at Kumiai Senpaku. We certainly feel, this with its transparency and reliability of information, will be a very efficient and effective tool towards commercial and operational enhancement. 

  • Capt. Rajeeva Mathur
    COO Southern Pacific Holding Corporation C/O , Kumiai Senpaku Co.,Ltd

Key Features

  • Tracks ships in real-time and optimises routing for improved performance and profits
  • Optimises total fuel oil consumption for every voyage with heading and speed guidance
  • Evaluates over 80 million combinations to calculate most effective fuel consumption
  • Creates scenario-based evaluations of fuel consumption based on speed and weather
  • Benchmarks against a given guideline, such as charter party demands or hull performance
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Applications of SMARTShip

SMARTShip Real-time

Real-time software enables shore users to visualise ship’s operational parameters and performance data such as vessel speed, consumption, and essential voyage information in real-time.

Providing a real-time connection enables the superintendent or vessel manager at shore to virtually visit a ship in his/her fleet; viewing ship performance live as well as historically and drill down to individual parameters for each asset.

Key Features

  • 24/7 connection to vessel with real-time dashboards, analysis, notifications, and reports
  • Visualise equipment parameters in real-time and historically
  • Provides live notifications from the ship about alerts and preset conditions
  • Access intelligent analysis combining one or more parameters in real-time
  • View 3rd party integrated weather parameters from the ship’s location
  • Create cases for subsequent communication

SMARTShip functionality

SMARTShip software runs on our Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) platform. IoT platform is a suite of components that enable remote data collection from connected devices and deployment of applications that monitor, manage, and control connected devices.

The platform resides on the cloud as well as local servers onboard which collects data from various data acquisition units (navigation, ECR, CCR), local sensors and various standalone pieces of equipment onboard. The platform plays a pivotal role in equipping our solutions with remote control and real-time monitoring functions, configurable alerts and notifications, pluggable cloud services, and integration with consumers’ smartphones and other devices.

Data Security

SMARTShip allows a swift integration of 3rd party applications from other industry players into the platform. An integrated hardware and software solution is delivered and installed by our personnel on your vessel as well as remote monitoring stations. The ruggedised hardware is built to endure typical harsh conditions aboard ships.

We believe it’s essential to have end-to-end security built-in. Security must permeate through all aspects of data collection including, device booting, authentication, access control, firewalling, transmission, updates, and patches. All communications internal to SMARTShip platform (i.e. ship to shore) wherever data is transmitted over public internet, is fully encrypted using Industry accepted best practices.

Multi-tenant environment

In a multi-tenant environment, each customer’s data is isolated from others through a multi-tenant data architecture. Multi-tenancy is enforced by associating ship data to correct tenant and, using a proprietary data access mechanism that enforces the separation of data by ship owners or operators. We use HTTPS as the standard format for accessing any SMARTShip data using a browser over public internet.

Talk to our experts

For product demos, conducting trials, or pricing information, please contact:

Benefits of SMARTShip

  • Significant (5-10%) cost savings
  • Reduces fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions
  • Real-time visibility of your fleet for on shore personnel
  • Enables energy efficiency benchmarking
  • Meet charterer’s demands and makes the ship commercially attractive
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