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The ZeroNorth platform

Bunker space

Real-time decision-making across your value chain by connecting millions of data points from across the world for actionable insights.

Missed opportunities

ZeroNorth recognises that the bunker market is increasingly complex and volatile amid the energy transition and geopolitical uncertainties, and that it requires specific expertise. Additionally, there is a lack of transparency and communication between operators and bunker buyers, which can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities.

The traditional bunker supply

Today, bunker suppliers grapple with the inefficiencies of manual, paper-driven processes. This traditional approach not only hampers streamlined operations, but also introduces delays in the crucial exchange of documentation among bunker suppliers, banks, and financial institutions.

These challenges arise from manual data entry, leading to discrepancies and errors. The absence of real-time market updates, security vulnerabilities with paper documentation, environmental concerns, and operational delays all impact the entire supply chain's efficiency.

What we offer

Our platform provides real-time bunker prices and embedded predictive analytics for internal transparency and compliance. It provides full fleet bunker management to help optimise planning and pricing whilst also improving transparency and communication between operators and bunker buyers.

By showcasing all bunker possibilities and prices along the route and calculating consumption, ZeroNorth’s platform enables real-time decision-making across the entire marine fuel value chain by connecting millions of data points from the bunkering process.


Efficient bunker procurement

Empowering bunker traders and brokers with advanced tools and insights, enabling them to optimise their procurement processes. By leveraging real-time market data, historical trends, and intelligent algorithms, users can make informed decisions, minimise costs, and secure the best bunker options for their clients.

William Wallace
Managing Director & COO, Neu Seeschiffahrt

We believe in steady, meaningful progress. Practical solutions improve operations today and prepare us for the future. ZeroNorth is a key part of that.” 

  • William Wallace
    Managing Director & COO, Neu Seeschiffahrt

A game-changing suite

Our innovative approach combines efficient procurement, data-driven analytics, and cutting-edge decision-making tools all on one platform and customised to cater to your unique needs in the dynamic world of bunker trading.

The ZeroNorth platform brings you a game-changing suite of integrated solutions meticulously designed for bunker traders and brokers. By showcasing all bunker possibilities and prices along your route, and by calculating consumption in real-time, the platform empowers you to make informed decisions across the entire marine fuel value chain.

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Profitable voyages, sustainable horizons

Experience first-hand how ZeroNorth's advanced technology can revolutionise your maritime operations. Dive deep into data-driven insights and optimise voyages to unify sustainability and profitability.

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